Ce ai cumparat? / What did you buy?

What did you buy?

Ce ai cumparat?


what = ce

you = tu

did (you) buy = ai cumparat

to buy = a cumpara

Ieri am fost la cumparaturi. / Yesterday I went shopping.

Yesterday I went shopping.

Ieri am fost la cumparaturi.


yesterday = ieri

I = eu

went = (am) mers

shopping = cumparaturi

Vreau un telefon nou. / I want a new cell phone.

I want a new cell phone.

Vreau un telefon nou.


I = eu

want = vreau

a = un

new = nou

cell phone / mobile phone = telefon mobil

Ce cadou vrei de Craciun? / What do you want for Christmas?

What do you want for Christmas?

Ce cadou vrei de Craciun?


what = ce

you = tu

want = vreau, vrei

for = pentru

Christmas = Cracius

Este in regula. / It's alright.

It's alright.

Este in regula.


it = acesta, aceasta

it is, it's = este

alright = in regula

Ne vedem Duminica. / See you on Sunday.

See you on Sunday.

Ne vedem Duminica.


see = vad

you = tu

on = pe

Sunday = Duminica

Sunt bine. Dar tu? / I'm good. How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

Sunt bine. Dar tu?


I = eu

I am / I'm = eu sunt

good = bine

how = cum

are = esti

you = tu

Buna. Ce faci? / Hi. How are you?

Hi. How are you?

Buna. Ce faci?


Hi = buna, salut

how = cum

are = esti

you = tu

Sunt ocupat maine. / I am busy tomorrow.

I am busy tomorrow.

Sunt ocupat maine.


I = eu

I am = eu sunt

busy = ocupat

tomorrow = maine

Imi cer scuze ca am intarziat. / I am sorry for being late.

I am sorry for being late.

Imi cer scuze ca am intarziat.


I = eu

am = (eu) sunt

sorry = parere de rau, scuze

for = pentru

being = este, sunt

late = tarziu, intarziat

Unde vrei sa mergem? / Where do you want to go?

Where do you want to go?

Unde vrei sa mergem?


where = unde

you = tu

want = vrei

to go = sa mergi, sa mergem (a merge)

Ce zici de poimaine? / How about day after tomorrow?

How about day after tomorrow?

Ce zici de poimaine?


how = cum

about = despre

day = zi

after = dupa

tomorrow = maine

N-am stiut. / I didn't know.

I didn't know.

N-am stiut.


I = eu

did not, didn't = nu am, n-am

know = stii, stiu (a stii)

Imi este dor de tine. / I miss you.

I miss you.

Imi este dor de tine.


I = eu

miss = dor

you = tu

La revedere. / See you later.

See you later.

La revedere.


see = (te) vad, (ne) vedem

you = tu

later = mai tarziu

Am treizeci si patru de ani. / I am thirty four years old.

I am thirty four years old.

Am treizeci si patru de ani.


I = eu

(I) am = (eu) sunt

thirty = treizeci

four = patru

years = ani

old = batran, vechi

Si aici e al meu. / And here is mine.

And here is mine.

Si aici e al meu.


and = si

here = aici

is = este

mine = al meu

Uite numarul meu de telefon. / Here is my phone number.

Here is my phone number.

Uite numarul meu de telefon.


here = aici

is = este

my = (al) meu

phone = telefon

number = numar

Cum merge lucrul? / How is work?

How is work?

Cum merge lucrul?


how = cum

is = este

work = munca, lucrul

Fratele meu m-a invatat sa inot. / My brother thought me how to swim.

My brother thought me how to swim.

Fratele meu m-a invatat sa inot.


my = (al) meu

brother = frate

thought = (m-a) invatat

me = eu, pe mine

how = cum

to = sa

to swim = a inota

Nu inteleg. / I don't understand.

I don't understand.

Nu inteleg.


I = eu

don't, do not = nu

understand = inteleg

Cum iti merge? / How is it going?

How is it going?

Cum iti merge?


how = cum

is = este (a fi)

it = acesta

going = merge

Cati ani ai? / How old are you?

How old are you?

Cati ani ai?


how = cat, cum

old = batran, vechi

are = esti (a fi)

you = tu

Cat costa ceasul acela? / How much is that watch?

How much is that watch?

Cat costa ceasul acela?


how = cum, cat

much = mult

how much? = cat de mult (costa)?

that = acela

(wrist) watch = ceas (de mana)

wrist = incheietura mainii

Pot sa am un pahar cu apa, va rog? / May I have a glass of water, please?

May I have a glass of water, please?

Pot sa am un pahar cu apa, va rog?


may = pot (sa), imi este permis (sa)

I = eu

have = am (a avea)

may I [...]? = pot sa [...]?

a = un

glass = pahar

water = apa

please = (te) rog, (va) rog

Nu ma simt prea bine astazi. / I don't feel very well today.

I don't feel very well today.

Nu ma simt prea bine astazi.


I = eu

don't, do not = nu

feel = simt (a simti)

very = foarte

well = bine

today = astazi

Esti aici cu familia? / Are you here with your family?

Are you here with your family?

Esti aici cu familia?


are you? = esti?

are = esti, suntem, sunteti, sunt (a fi)

you = tu

here = aici

with = cu

your = a ta, al tau

family = familie

Stiu cateva cuvinte Romanesti. / I know a few Romanian words.

I know a few Romanian words.

Stiu cateva cuvinte Romanesti.


I = eu

know = stiu

few, a few = cateva

Romanian = Romanesti, Romaneste, Roman, Romanca

words = cuvinte

Nu fumez. / I don't smoke.

I don't smoke.

Nu fumez.


I = eu

don't, do not = (eu) nu

smoke = fumez, fum

Fumezi? / Do you smoke?

Do you smoke?



you = tu

smoke = fumezi, fum

Cand le vrei gata? / When do you need these done?

When do you need these done?

Cand le vrei gata?


when = cand

you = tu

(you) need = ai nevoie

these = acestea

done = facute, terminate (a face)

Cat de curand posibil. / As soon as possible.

As soon as possible.

Cat de curand posibil.


as = cat, ca

soon = curand

possible = posibil

Am prietena (prieten). / I have a girlfriend (boyfriend).

I have a girlfriend (boyfriend).

Am prietena (prieten).


I = eu

have = am (a avea)

a = o

girl = fata

friend = prieten, prietena

girlfriend = prietena (relatie sentimentala)

boy = baiat

boyfriend = prieten (relatie sentimentala)

Pot sa-mi dai adresa de email? / May I have your email address?

May I have your email address?

Pot sa-mi dai adresa de email?


May I? = pot, imi este permis?

to have = a avea

May I have? = Pot sa am?

your = a ta, al tau

email = email

address = adresa

Voi fi acolo in zece minute. / I will be there in ten minutes.

I will be there in ten minutes.

Voi fi acolo in zece minute.


I = eu

I will = (eu) voi

be = fi (a fi)

there = acolo

in = in

ten = zece

minutes = minute

Hai sa ne intalnim la restaurant. / Let's meet at the restaurant.

Let's meet at the restaurant.

Hai sa ne intalnim la restaurant.


let = a lasa, a permite

let's, let us = hai sa ne

meet = intalnim (a intalni)

at = la

restaurant = restaurant

the restaurant = restaurantul

Si eu. / Me too.

Me too.

Si eu.


me = eu

too = deasemenea

Imi este foame. / I am hungry.

I am hungry.

Imi este foame.


I = eu

am = sunt (a fi)

hungry = infometat

Este bine maine? / Is tomorrow OK?

Is tomorrow OK?

Este bine maine?


is = este (a fi)

tomorrow = maine

OK, okey = bine

Cu ce te ocupi? / What do you do for work?

What do you do for work?

Cu ce te ocupi?


what = ce

you do = tu faci

for = pentru

work = munca

Sunt om de afaceri. / I am a businessman (businesswoman).

I am a businessman (businesswoman).

Sunt om de afaceri.


I = eu

am = sunt (a fi)

business = afaceri

man = barbat, om

woman = femeie

businessman, businesswoman = om de afaceri

Ce surpriza placuta! / What a nice surprise!

What a nice surprise!

Ce surpriza placuta!


what = ce

a = o

nice = placut

surprise = surpriza

Sunt singur (necasatorit). / I am single.

I am single.

Sunt singur (necasatorit).


I = eu

am = sunt (a fi)

single = singur, (nu sunt intr-o relatie

Da, sunt casatorit(a). / Yes, I am married.

Yes, I am married.

Da, sunt casatorit(a).


yes = da

I = eu

(I) am = (eu) sunt.

married = casatorit, casatorita

Binisor. / Pretty good.

Pretty good.



pretty = frumusel, frumusica

good = bine

Cum o duci? / How are you doing?

How are you doing?

Cum o duci?


how = cum

you = tu

(you) are doing = (tu) faci

to do = a face

De unde esti? / Where are you from?

Where are you from?

De unde esti?


where = unde

from = de, din

you = tu

you are = tu esti

Are you? = Esti (tu)?

Sunt din Romania. / I am from Romania.

I am from Romania.

Sunt din Romania.


I = eu

I am, I'm = eu sunt

from = din, de

Vin saptamana viitoare. / I am coming next week.

I am coming next week.

Vin saptamana viitoare.


I = eu

I am, I'm = Eu sunt

I am coming, I'm coming = (eu) vin

next = urmatoare, urmator

week = saptamana

Cand vii? / When are you coming?

When are you coming?

Cand vii?


when = cand

you = tu

are coming = vii

Suna-ma pe mobil. / Call my cellphone.

Call my cellphone.

Suna-ma pe mobil.


call = suna, cheama

my = (al) meu

cellphone = telefon mobil

Ce numar de telefon ai? / What is your phone number?

What is your phone number?

Ce numar de telefon ai?


what = ce

is = este (a fi)

your = (al) tau

phone = telefon

number = numar

Numele meu este Robert. / My name is Robert.

My name is Robert.

Numele meu este Robert.


my = (al) meu

name = nume

is = este (a fi)

Multumesc. Cu placere. / Thank you. You're welcome.

Thank you.


You're welcome.

Cu placere.


thanks = multumiri

you = tu

are = esti (a fi)

welcome = binevenit

Cum merg afacerile? / How is business?

How is business?

Cum merg afacerile?

Pretty good.



how = cum

is = este (a fi)

business = afaceri

pretty = frumos

good = bine

Ai fost vreodata in Romania? / Have you ever been to Romania?

Have you ever been to Romania?

Ai fost vreodata in Romania?


have = a avea

have been = a fi fost

you = tu

ever = vreodata

been = fost (a fi)

to = la

Vii maine? / Are you coming tomorrow?

Are you coming tomorrow?

Vii maine?




are = esti (a fi)

you = tu

(you)coming = vii

tomorrow = maine

sure = sigur

Cum te numesti? / What is your name?

What is your name?

Cum te numesti?


what = ce

is = este (a fi)

your = (al) tau

name = nume

Esti casatorit? / Are you married?

Are you married?

Esti casatorit?

No, I'm single.

Nu, sunt singur.


are = esti (a fi)

you = tu

married = casatorit, casatorita

no = nu

I am, I'm = eu sunt

single = singur

Esti American? / Are you American?

Are you American?

Esti American?

Yes, I am.



are = esti (a fi)

you = tu

yes = da

I = eu

I am = eu sunt

Ce culoare este umbrela ta?

What color is your umbrella?

(Ce culoare este umbrela ta?)

My umbrella is blue.

(Umbrela mea este albastra.)


what = ce

color = culoare

is = este

your = (a) ta

umbrella = umbrella

my = (a) mea

blue = albastru, albastra

Ma doare capul.

I have a headache.

(Ma doare capul. [Am o durere de cap.])


I = eu

have = am

a = o

head = cap

ache = durere

Ce ai cumparat?

What did you buy?

(Ce ai cumparat?)

I bought a digital camera.

(Am cumparat un aparat de fotografiat digital.)


what = ce

you = tu

buy = cumperi

did you buy? = ai cumparat?

I = eu

bought = cumparat

a = o

digital = digitala

camera = aparat de fotografiat, camera video

Unde locuiesti?

Where do you live?

(Unde locuiesti?)

I live in downtown.

(Locuiesc in centru.)


where = unde

you = tu

live = locuiesti, traiesti

I = eu

downtown = centrul orasului

Asa of zi frumoasa, nu-i asa?

Such a beautiful day, isn't it?

(Asa of zi frumoasa, nu-i asa?)

Yes, indeed.

(Da, intradevar.)


such = asa

a = o

beautiful = frumos, frumoasa

day = zi, ziua

is = este

isn't (is not) = nu este

isn't it? = nu-i asa?

yes = da

indeed = intradevar

Esti gata?

Are you ready?

(Esti gata? Esti pregatit(a)?)


are = esti

you = tu

ready = gata, pregatit, pragatita

Unde vrei sa mergem?

Where do you want to go?

(Unde vrei sa mergem? [Unde vrei sa mergi?])

Let's go see a movie.

(Hai sa mergem la un film [Hai sa vedem un film].)


where = unde

you = tu

want = vrei

to = sa

go = mergi, mergem

let's (let us) = hai sa

see = vezi

let's see = hai sa vedem

a = un

movie = film

Biroul este la doua strazi de aici.

The office is two blocks away.

(Biroul este la doua strazi de aici.)

Thank you.



office = birou, sediu companie

the office = biroul, sediul

is = este

two = doua, doi

blocks = intersectii, strazi, colturi de strada

away = departe de aici

thank you = iti multumesc

La revedere.

See you later.

(La revedere. [Te vad mai tarziu.])


see = vad (a vedea)

you = tu

later = mai tarziu

Apartamentul meu are trei camere.

My apartment has three bedrooms.

(Apartamentul meu are trei dormitoare.)


my = (al) meu

apartment = apartament

has = are

three = trei

bedroom / bedrooms = dormitor / dormitoare

Multumesc. Cu placere.

Thank you.


You're welcome.

(Cu placere.) [Esti binevenita.]


thanks = multumiri

you = tu

thank you = multumesc

you are (you're) = tu esti

welcome = binevenit(a)

Ce zici de Vineri seara?

How about Friday night?

(Ce zici de Vineri seara?)

Friday night is fine. What time?

(Vineri seara e bine. La ce ora?)


how = cum

about = despre

how about = dar despre, ce zici de

Friday = Vineri

night = noaptea

Friday night = Vineri seara, Vineri noaptea

is = este (a fi)

fine = bine, in regula

what = ce

time = timp

what time? = (la) ce ora?

Buna dimineata Maria.

Good morning Maria.

(Buna dimineata Maria.)

Good morning Michael.

(Buna dimineata Michael.)


good = bun, buna, bine

morning = dimineata

Good morning = Buna dimineata

Luati loc va rog.

Please have a seat.

(Luati loc va rog. / Ia loc te rog.)


please = te rog / va rog

have = ai / aveti (a avea)

a = un

seat = loc

Imi pare rau ca am intarziat.

I am sorry for being late.

How long have you been waiting?

(Imi pare rau ca am intarziat.)

(De cat time astepti?)


I = eu

am = sunt (a fi)

sorry = parere de rau

I am sorry = imi pare rau

for = pentru

beeing = a fi

late = tarziu, intarziat

how = cat, cum

long = lung

how long = de cat (timp), cat de mult (timp)

time = timp

you = tu

been waiting = astepti

have been wating = a fi asteptat

Ne vedem Duminica.

See you on Sunday.

(Ne vedem Duminica.)

Alright. Bye.

(Bine. Pa.)


see = vad, vedem (a vedea)

you = tu

on = pe

Sunday = Duminica

alright = bine, in regula

bye = pa, ciao