Voi fi acolo in zece minute. / I will be there in ten minutes.

I will be there in ten minutes.

Voi fi acolo in zece minute.


I = eu

I will = (eu) voi

be = fi (a fi)

there = acolo

in = in

ten = zece

minutes = minute

Hai sa ne intalnim la restaurant. / Let's meet at the restaurant.

Let's meet at the restaurant.

Hai sa ne intalnim la restaurant.


let = a lasa, a permite

let's, let us = hai sa ne

meet = intalnim (a intalni)

at = la

restaurant = restaurant

the restaurant = restaurantul

Si eu. / Me too.

Me too.

Si eu.


me = eu

too = deasemenea

Imi este foame. / I am hungry.

I am hungry.

Imi este foame.


I = eu

am = sunt (a fi)

hungry = infometat

Este bine maine? / Is tomorrow OK?

Is tomorrow OK?

Este bine maine?


is = este (a fi)

tomorrow = maine

OK, okey = bine

Cu ce te ocupi? / What do you do for work?

What do you do for work?

Cu ce te ocupi?


what = ce

you do = tu faci

for = pentru

work = munca

Sunt om de afaceri. / I am a businessman (businesswoman).

I am a businessman (businesswoman).

Sunt om de afaceri.


I = eu

am = sunt (a fi)

business = afaceri

man = barbat, om

woman = femeie

businessman, businesswoman = om de afaceri

Ce surpriza placuta! / What a nice surprise!

What a nice surprise!

Ce surpriza placuta!


what = ce

a = o

nice = placut

surprise = surpriza

Sunt singur (necasatorit). / I am single.

I am single.

Sunt singur (necasatorit).


I = eu

am = sunt (a fi)

single = singur, (nu sunt intr-o relatie

Da, sunt casatorit(a). / Yes, I am married.

Yes, I am married.

Da, sunt casatorit(a).


yes = da

I = eu

(I) am = (eu) sunt.

married = casatorit, casatorita

Binisor. / Pretty good.

Pretty good.



pretty = frumusel, frumusica

good = bine

Cum o duci? / How are you doing?

How are you doing?

Cum o duci?


how = cum

you = tu

(you) are doing = (tu) faci

to do = a face

De unde esti? / Where are you from?

Where are you from?

De unde esti?


where = unde

from = de, din

you = tu

you are = tu esti

Are you? = Esti (tu)?

Sunt din Romania. / I am from Romania.

I am from Romania.

Sunt din Romania.


I = eu

I am, I'm = eu sunt

from = din, de

Vin saptamana viitoare. / I am coming next week.

I am coming next week.

Vin saptamana viitoare.


I = eu

I am, I'm = Eu sunt

I am coming, I'm coming = (eu) vin

next = urmatoare, urmator

week = saptamana

Cand vii? / When are you coming?

When are you coming?

Cand vii?


when = cand

you = tu

are coming = vii

Suna-ma pe mobil. / Call my cellphone.

Call my cellphone.

Suna-ma pe mobil.


call = suna, cheama

my = (al) meu

cellphone = telefon mobil

Ce numar de telefon ai? / What is your phone number?

What is your phone number?

Ce numar de telefon ai?


what = ce

is = este (a fi)

your = (al) tau

phone = telefon

number = numar

Numele meu este Robert. / My name is Robert.

My name is Robert.

Numele meu este Robert.


my = (al) meu

name = nume

is = este (a fi)

Multumesc. Cu placere. / Thank you. You're welcome.

Thank you.


You're welcome.

Cu placere.


thanks = multumiri

you = tu

are = esti (a fi)

welcome = binevenit

Cum merg afacerile? / How is business?

How is business?

Cum merg afacerile?

Pretty good.



how = cum

is = este (a fi)

business = afaceri

pretty = frumos

good = bine

Ai fost vreodata in Romania? / Have you ever been to Romania?

Have you ever been to Romania?

Ai fost vreodata in Romania?


have = a avea

have been = a fi fost

you = tu

ever = vreodata

been = fost (a fi)

to = la

Vii maine? / Are you coming tomorrow?

Are you coming tomorrow?

Vii maine?




are = esti (a fi)

you = tu

(you)coming = vii

tomorrow = maine

sure = sigur

Cum te numesti? / What is your name?

What is your name?

Cum te numesti?


what = ce

is = este (a fi)

your = (al) tau

name = nume

Esti casatorit? / Are you married?

Are you married?

Esti casatorit?

No, I'm single.

Nu, sunt singur.


are = esti (a fi)

you = tu

married = casatorit, casatorita

no = nu

I am, I'm = eu sunt

single = singur

Esti American? / Are you American?

Are you American?

Esti American?

Yes, I am.



are = esti (a fi)

you = tu

yes = da

I = eu

I am = eu sunt