Iti trimit un email saptamana viitoare. / I will send you an email next week.

I will send you an email next week.

Iti trimit un email saptamana viitoare.


I = eu

to be = a fi

I will send = eu voi trimite

to send = a trimite

you = tu

an = un (prepozitie)

email = email

next = urmator, urmatoare

week = saptamana

Am o intalnire de afaceri la ora trei. / I have a business appointment at three o’clock.

I have a business appointment at three o’clock.

Am o intalnire de afaceri la ora trei.


I = eu

to have = a avea

a = o, un (prepozitie)

business = afacere, work

appointment = intalnire, reservare

at = la (prepozitie)

three = trei

o'clock = ora

Memorez o propozitie noua in fiecare zi. / I memorize a new sentence everyday.

I memorize a new sentence everyday.

Memorez o propozitie noua in fiecare zi.


I = eu

to memorize = a memora

a = un, o

new = nou, noua

sentence = propozitie

everyday = in fiecare zi

Fac un dus acum. / I am taking a shower now.

I am taking a shower now.

Fac un dus acum.


I = eu

to be = a fi

to take = a lua

a = un, o

shower = dus

now = acum

Ce facem astazi? / What shall we do today?

What shall we do today?

Ce facem astazi?


what = ce

shall = sa

we = noi

to do = a face

today = astazi

I want to go shopping. / Vreau sa merg la cumparaturi.

I want to go shopping.

Vreau sa merg la cumparaturi.


I = eu

want = vreau

to go = a merge

shopping = cumparaturi

Aprinde (Stinge) lumina te rog. / Turn on (off) the light please.

Turn on (off) the light please.

Aprinde (Stinge) lumina te rog.


to turn on = a deschide (un intrerupator)

to turn off = a inchide (un intrerupator)

light = lumina

please = te rog

Se pare ca economia se va redresa anul acesta. / It looks the economy will recover this year.

It looks the economy will recover this year.

Se pare ca economia se va redresa anul acesta.


it looks = se pare

the economy = economia

will recover = se va redresa, se va recupera

this = acest, aceasta

year = an

Aseara m-am uitat la televizor. / Last night I watched TV.

Last night I watched TV.

Aseara m-am uitat la televizor.


last = ulima, ulimul

night = noapte

last night = aseara, noaptea trecuta

I = eu

watched = (am) vazut, (m-am) uitat

TV = televizor