Cand este data de expirare?

When is the expiry date?

Cand este data de expirare?


when = cand

to be = a fi

expiry date = data de expirare

Asi dori sa merg la Vancouver.

I would like to go to Vancouver.

Asi dori sa merg la Vancouver.


I = eu

would = asi

to like = a place

to go = a merge

to = la

Vancouver = Vancouver

Merg cu metroul la servici. / I take the subway to work.

I take the subway to work.

Merg cu metroul la servici.


I = eu

to take = a lua

subway = metrou

the subway = metroul

to = la

work = munca, servici

Te prinde raceala? / Are you catching a cold?

Are you catching a cold?

Te prinde raceala?


to be = a fi

you = tu

to catch = a prinde

a = un, o

cold = rece, raceala

Am mancat oua ochiuri cu paine prajita la micul dejun. / I had fried eggs with toast for breakfast.

I had fried eggs with toast for breakfast.

Am mancat oua ochiuri cu paine prajita la micul dejun.


I = eu

to have = a avea

to fry = a praji

fried = prajit, prajite

eggs = oua

with = cu

toast = paine prajita, tost

for = pentru

breakfast = micul dejun

M-am tuns saptamana trecuta. / I had a haircut last week.

I had a haircut last week.

M-am tuns saptamana trecuta.


I = eu

to have = a avea

a = un, o

hair = par

to cut = a taia

haircut = tuns

Olimpiada incepe saptamana viitoare. / The Olympics start next week.

The Olympics start next week.

Olimpiada incepe saptamana viitoare.


the Olympics = Olimpiada

to start = a incepe

next = urmator, urmatoare

week = saptamana

Cina de astazi a fost delicioasa. / Today’s dinner was delicious.

Today’s dinner was delicious.

Cina de astazi a fost delicioasa.


today = astazi

dinner = cina

to be = a fi

delicious = delicioasa

Transmite te rog salutari familiei tale. / Please give my regards to your family.

Please give my regards to your family.

Transmite te rog salutari familiei tale.


please = te rog

to give = a da

my = (ale) mele

regards = salutari, complimente

to = la

your = (a) ta

family = familie

Stii sa inoti? / Can you swim?

Can you swim?

Stii sa inoti?


can = a putea

you = tu

to swim = a inota

Nu imi gasesc cheile. Hai sa le cautam impreuna, te rog. / I can’t find my keys. Let’s look for them together.

I can’t find my keys. Let’s look for them together.

Nu imi gasesc cheile. Hai sa le cautam impreuna, te rog.


I = eu

cannot (can’t) = nu pot

to find = a gasi

my = (a) mea

keys = chei

let us (let’s) = hai

to look = a se uita

for = pentru

them = ele, el

together = impreuna

Ce rezolutie ai anul acesta? / What is your New Year’s resolution?

What is your New Year’s resolution?

Ce rezolutie ai anul acesta?


what = ce

to be = a fi

your = a ta

new = nou

New Year = Anul Nou

resolution = resolutie