Mi s-a furat portofelul.

My wallet has been stolen.

Mi s-a furat portofelul.


my = (al) meu

wallet = portofel

to have = a avea

to be = a fi

to steal = a fura

has been stolen = a fost furat

Yashboard Search

Hai sa invatam Engleza impreuna.

Let's practice English together.

Hai sa invatam Engleza impreuna.


let's, let us = hai sa

to let = a permite, a da voie

us = noi

to practice = a practica, a exersa, a se antrena

English = (Limba) Engleza

together = impreuna

Yashboard Search

Mi s-a pierdut geamantanul.

Mi s-a pierdut geamantanul.

My luggage is missing.


my = (al) meu

luggage = geamantan, bagaj

to be = a fii

to miss = a pierde

Yashboard Search

Mobilul nu-mi merge aici.

Mobilul nu-mi merge aici.

My cell-phone doesn't work here.


my = (al) meu

cell-phone, mobile = telefon celular, telefon mobil

to do = a face

does not, doesn't = [negatie]

to work = a functiona, a munci

here = aici

Yashboard Search

Iti place sa te uiti la televizor?

Do you like watching TV?

Iti place sa te uiti la televizor?


to do = a face

you = tu

to like = a place

to watch = a privi

TV, television = televizor

Yashboard Search

Ce fel de slujba ai?

What kind of work do you do?

Ce fel de slujba ai?


what = ce

kind = fel

of = de

job = munca, servici

to do = a face

you = tu

to have = a avea

Yashboard Search