Stii unde este statia de autobuz?

Do you know where the bus station is?

(Stii cumva unde este statia de autobuz?)

Sure, it's over there. Across the street.

(Sigur, este chiar acolo, peste drum.)


Do = propozitiile incepute cu "do" denota o intrebare.

know = stii (a stii)

you = tu

Do you know? = (tu) stii?

where = unde

bus = autobuz

station = statie

bus station = statie de autobuz

the bus station = statia de autobuz

is = este (a fi)

sure = sigur

it's (it is) = (acesta) este

there = acolo

over there = chiar acolo

across = peste

street = strada

the street = strada

across the street = peste strada (peste drum)

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